Today we celebrated President's Day. We learned about Washington and Lincoln by having different words with "x" in them. We sounded out each word several times and then talked about how that word related to the president.
1- six
Lincoln was the tallest president at 6'4'.
We sang the song Washington and Lincoln.
When Washington was president, a long, long time ago;
He dressed so very funny, 'twould make you laugh, "Ho,Ho!'
His hair was white tied with bows, and he wore buckles on his toes.
His pants were up around his knees; His hat three cornered, if you please.
When Lincoln was our president, a long, long time ago;
He dressed so very funny, 'twould make you laugh, 'Ho, Ho!'
His beard was long and black as night. It covered up his chin all right.
His coat was down around his knees; His hat a stove pipe, if you please.
Then we made Abraham Lincoln hats with cookies and rolos.
2- ax
We talked about the story of Washington and the Cherry Tree. Even though this is ficitional, we talked about telling the truth. Then we played a game to a song Who Chopped Down the Cherry Tree.
Who Chopped Down the Cherry Tree.
Hide your eyes and you will see.
Who chopped down the cherry tree.
Who chopped the cherry tree down.
Who chopped the cherry tree down.
Who did. I did. Who did. I did.
________ chopped the cherry tree down.
Everyone sings the song blindfolded. Then the person I called on, came up with the ax and cut down the felt cherry tree. When it got to the part "Who did." The person has to sing on their own "I did." Then we open our eyes and guess who it was, then we sing that person's name in the last line.
3- fox-
We read a book called Abe Lincoln loved Animals. Then we made bird feeders with pine cones, peanut butter, and birdseed.
4- box
To become president, Lincoln had to have debates on boxes that were set up. He would stand on them and tell everyone why he wanted to be president. The kids each wrote a paper about what they would do if they were president. Then they stood on the box and told everyone.
I had a tray with money all mixed up. We talked about each coin and which one's Lincoln and Washington were on and then we sorted the mix of money.
In between each activity we played tic-tac-toe to practice writing "X".
There were two more centers that we didn't get to for time.
fix -
Washington and Lincoln both helped to fix the nation during the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. We were going to talk about how we can fix things when we fight with/get mad at those around us.
This was a game to pay our taxes and buy clothes for Washington and Lincoln.
I attached a picture of each coin on a dice. Each coin equaled a piece of clothing. They rolled the dice and if they could correctly say the name of the coin then they could get that piece of clothing. First one to get all the clothing won. I used these two paper dolls from DLTK: Lincoln and Washington