We started by learning the sight word look. We sang the usual song on you tube.
Then we did some word family wheels similar to the picture below. I have some that have ack,ick,ock, and uck. I would move the letter and we would sound out the word.
Then we read One Duck Stuck and looked for words with this chunk in it.
We also read Do Like a Duck Does and pretended we were ducks. This book is soooo cute!
1- Handwriting Practice - Capital and Lower Case letters
2-Left and Right Practice
3-Color By Sight Word - I took a coloring page and typed in sight words that I thought they had already learned onto the duck coloring page. When they were done that had to write look in the mud.
4- Duck Life Cycle in Order
5-Word Family Wheels on their own
6-Counting Ducks in the Muck - I used a piece of brown construction paper and sectioned it off and each section had a number. Using a duck stamp, they stamped as many ducks as the number said.
Snack - blue jello pond with peeps on top for ducks(though no peeps are out til closer to Valentines Day so we made do with yellowish marshmallows.
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