Camera battery dead for this lesson :(
B is for b b bouncing a ball-
Well I felt like it had been forever since we've done letters. Their first week back was last week, but in December we didn't learn any, so it was almost a 2 month break. I really wanted to get the letters back into their minds, even though review week isn't until next week. I figured review writing, what they look like, and sounds, so blending is easier next week. The kids already knew "B" pretty well, so my lesson incorporated the letters we have learned so far.
First I started introducing the letter and asking if they could see anything in the room that started with "B" - Benjamin, one of the Boys, who is a Brother, there was a Baby. There are LOTS of B words! There was a Bag hiding in the room too they had to find, which had a Box of Brownies inside and we decided to Bake them! Into the kitchen we went and they helped make them and I taught the difference between baking and cooking.
We headed back onto the rug and I gave each child a white erase board and marker and put two pages in front of them. I tried attaching my picture, but it isn't working for some reason. So I had two sheets of paper with pictures on them. Each child took turns picking a picture. They had to tell me what it was, what letter it started with, write the letter on top of the picture, then each child practiced writing that letter on their individual board. There was an activity for each picture. I had several B words,and one picture for each other letter. Some of the activities were just using and clicking on that letter.
My pictures-
Button- Button Button Who's Got the Button game (also had Frog and Toad story about a missing button we didn't have time to read, but was planning on reading that before)
Bee- Sing Bringing Home a Baby BumbleBee
Bowling Ball-play bowling game
Blocks-Build something with Blocks
Basketball-let the kids try making Baskets
Book-they had to choose the Biggest Book (out of 3) and I read it
BaseBall- played baseball on the Wii (practiced hitting and swinging and reviewed rules of game)
Listen- guess the sounds
Fish- fishing game
Puzzle-play with puzzles
Bubbles- Blow Bubbles
Nine- Played a Number matching card game
Bouncing Ball - bouncing ball game (don't let them hit you!)
Ant-sing Ants go Marching
Camera- Click the Camera, take a picture of each kid, show it to them on TV
Dancing-Dance to the "B" song
Of course there are activities you could easily come up with for each letter that would have been fun, but time goes quick that even the few seconds of the starfall clip got cut sometimes and just practiced writing the letter. By the time we were done, they knew how to write the letter B very well and got a refresher course on the letters, which was good, because there were a few they couldn't remember how to write.
It also had the kids involved a lot (moving, listening, thinking, singing) so they had a blast and were never bored!
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