Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Party

Sorry, very few pictures. It was a bit of a crazy day, which is expected for almost any day this time of year!



GAME - We had each kid bring a gift and did the Left/Right Story for Gift Exchange. The preschoolers caught on really quick learning Left and Right, the little kids just followed what everyone else did :) I love how little kids are happy with even the smallest things!

CRAFT - We made our own gift tags! I had three designs and we rotated them around the table so the kids got to make one of each-
Thumbprint Reindeer  - brown thumb, draw antlers, eyes, and a nose

Christmas Light Strand - draw a squiggly line and stick your finger in different colors making colored dots along the line to look like Christmas lights

Christmas Tree - Stamp up your finger in green and make a Christmas tree. I also had little ornament stampers they got to decorate their tree with

My little boys loved choosing which gift tag to put on their presents to their cousins, etc



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