Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Field Trip-Staheli Farm

Staheli Farm is a local farm that offers tours for schools in the fall and spring. It's also a Pumpkin Patch and place for families/teenagers at night with a corn maze, etc.

We chose to go here for the letter F, which they learned about on Friday- Staheli Farm for our Field Trip and it was lots of Fun!

They started by taking us over to the animals and teaching about each one. What they do, what boys/girls called, what food we get from them, etc. We saw llamas, goats, donkeys, horses, sheep, pigs, turkeys, chickens, bunnies. They got to pet almost each animal.

Next we got to ride a tractor hay ride out to the pumpkin patch.

She 'read' the story of Spookley the Pumpkin and taught about the life cycle of a pumpkin

That basically concluded the tour and so they let the kids just play around and explore for as long as they wanted to afterwards. There were lots of fun toys/attractions

We also brought picnic lunches to eat.

It was a great little field trip and the kids had Tons of Fun!

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