- After calendar we started with talking about the letter o. Short o as in octopus and long o as in oh no! We sand the letter o song. It teaches both long and short o.
- Then I gave them clues about what we were going to learn about today that started with o. It starts with the "ow" sound as in ouch which comes when you pair "o" with "w". The thing we are learning about also makes a sound that has "oo" in it which is when you put two "o"'s together. It says hoo. They guessed it - owls!
- We read a short non fiction book that has simple text called Incredible Owls. This book comes from a series scholastic published called Science Vocabulary Readers. These are nonfiction books that are geared for easy reading.
- We painted some paper plate owls. While they were doing this, I went around and asked them the most interesting thing they learned about owls. I wanted to have them write some of it, but for times sake we didn't. I used muffin cups for eyes instead of paper. I got those ideas here and here.
- We then watched a video from PBS and talked about nocturnal and diurnal animals
Then I printed various animal masks that I found off the internet and the kids help up their mask and we decided if they were nocturnal or diurnal.
- Centers -
Owl writing - I made an owl out of "O"'s that they had to trace.
Owl books- bunch of books to look at
Sorting animals - sorted pictures of animals into whether they were awake at night or during the day.
Halloween stamp - use Halloween stamps to add decorations to a Halloween scene.
Owl Snack

Combination of these to. A chocolate rice cake with marshmallow and chocolate chip eyes and candy corn nose.
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