Probably the coolest room was their interrogation room which had a 2 way mirror that the kids thought was pretty cool as they got a chance to see what it looks like on each side.
The officers showed us the things they keep on their belt to stay safe, yep, even their gun which has a flashlight and laser on it!
The officers were sure to talk about safety, especially gun safety, buckling up, and wearing a helmet when you ride your bike.
The kids got to handle some of their other equipment like handcuffs, the heavy bulletproof vest and helmet.
Another thing Noah thought was really cool was the night vision goggles. We got to go in a dark room and look through them where you could still see everyone! But they were green! That's pretty silly :)
The last part of the tour took us to their police cars. He showed them what to look for to know if it is an unmarked car, the flashing lights and sirens. He even talked about the different colors for different emergency vehicles.
The kids had a great time, and they even gave the kid those cracker/cheese snack packs which made it awesome if it wasn't before. :)
Thanks Santa Clara/Ivins Police for the fun tour!
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