2-Blending - this was the same as last week, but we really focused on holding the sound to get to the next sound. We also had to correct some "d" sound because a couple were saying "duh". This normally wouldn't be a problem except when you sound out the word "mad - mmmmmmaaaaaaduh. It becomes maduh." I felt like the kids were more successful this time. We blended - sad, mad, dad, tad, and am. Then we read the sentences Dad is sad. I am mad. SIDE NOTE: blending is hard to do as a group. It's hard to tell if kids were really getting it. I wanted to work on it individually with each kid during centers, but didn't have the chance today. So that's my goal for next time!
3-"AD" word family - We read Glad Monster, Sad Monster. We blended the "ad" words in there and also pointed out the angry could be called "mad". I love this book. It has little masks in it. So as we read, each kid got a turn to come up and put on a mask and say what made them glad/sad/angry/worried etc. Then we turned on some music by Mozart and danced around trying to show the emotion that the music made us feel.
4 Writing - Today I Am page. Again this is one I created when I taught. We highlighted the word AM in it. Then they drew a picture of their face showing how they felt today (glad, mad, or sad). I wrote the first letters for them, then they had to write the "ad".
5-Transition - We sang If you're Angry and You Know it.
If you're angry and you know it
Take deep breaths
If you're angry and you know it
Don't scream and shout to show it
Repeat first 2 lines.
Repeat again with
Count to 10
Talk it out
There's a Grumpy song (tune of Did You ever see a Lassie) too that we didn't get to
If you're ever feeling grumpy, grumpy, grumpy
If you're ever feeling grumpy
Just flap both your arms
Flap this way and that way and this way and that way
That's the way you chase
Your grumpy's away!
Repeat with
Just jump up real high
Make a silly face
I love both these songs, because they help kids learn how to control their feelings!
- making patterns with monster pictures and having a friend guess what our pattern was.
- Build a Monster - this by far was everyone's favorite. It taught number recognition and one-to-one. They drew the body, but then it was left up to the dice for how many heads, eyes, arms, legs, etc. they were supposed to have.
- Monster Stick Puppets - I made this puppets from the making learning fun website. They had coloring pages that I copied and pasted into word and shrunk. They also had a lot of other fun activities to go along with Glad Monster, Sad Monster.
- Writing "AD" words on a monster page also created from making learning fun.
Kids Soup (one of my favorites, it does cost to use their site $20 for the year I think, but I have used them constantly that it's been well worth it for me. They list activities, games, and crafts for each unit! Tons)
Making Learning Fun
Everything Preschool
Activity Village
Preschool Plan It
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