Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Review Day 1

 Today was jammed full.  Whew!  Sorry, I forgot to take pictures.  Here is what we did though
  • Calendar.  Here is my calendar.  There are 9 stations: welcome song, pledge, month song, day of the week, Today is song, weather, sign language birthday song, clock, and abc song.   

My ABC song was different, because I find that the normal ABC song stops kids from really looking at the alphabet, plus you slur through LMNO.   Here is mine it's a chant:
 ABCDE   Preschool's where I want to be!
FGHIJ     Learning to read and write each day!
KLMNO  Many Boys and Girls we know!
PQRST     Sharing Books with you and me!
UVWXY    Now it's time to say good-bye!
ZZZZZ       Preschool's where I want to be!

We also sang two autumn songs:  Remember September  by Janeen Brady  and Autumn Leaves (this is the same tune as When We're Helping We're Happy page 198 in the  LDS Children's song book).  The lyrics are

Now the summer is over,
There are leaves all around.
Autumn leaves red and yellow,
softly fall to the ground.
Tra la la la la la
Tra la la la la la
Autumn leavs red and yellow, 
softly fall to the ground.

Now the summer is over,
and the leaves start to whirl.
Autumn leaves turn and tumble,
chilly winds make them swirl.
Repeat Tra la la's and last two lines

  • Blending-  We reviewed  all the sounds they've learned this week.  Then we put them together to make words. We made real words and nonsense words.  It doesn't matter because you are practicing the skill of blending the sounds.  Some key points that I've found with blending is to make sure they can hold out the first sound until you get to the second sound.  This is tricky though because some sounds are short  like "T" and "D". Also you have to stress saying in slowly and then saying it fast so they can begin to hear the word.  It was so fun to see the kids eyes light up when they realized they could figure out what words were on my board by saying the sounds!  The last word we blending was am.
  • Sight Word - Our sight word this week was am.  Each kid got a sign with am on it and we listened to the song What I Am  by Will.i.am.  Every time he sang the word am  we raised our signs and shouted AM.  My kids loved this song. They like to listen to it over and over again.  I love its message
  • -AT  Word Family - We read the book Pat the Cat's big book.  We blended all the at words together.  Then we played a game called "What's in my Hat".  I had two things in my hat (a bat and a hat).  They had to ask me questions to try and guess what "at" things I had in my hat.  Then they made a page to take home to their parents to do the same thing.  This is a page I created when I was teaching.  You staple a hat printout on top and they draw and "at" thing underneath (I had pictures there to help them decided what they wanted to draw).  Then they wrote their name on the top line of the page and then what they had drawn on the bottom line.  Then they could take it home and have their parents guess what was under their hat (you do have to cover up what they wrote, but we wrote it so that they didn't forget, and because the picture doesn't always clearly show what they chose).
  • Centers - I like doing centers because you can get more done in a short amount of time than waiting for everyone to finish one thing.  We had 4 centers:  
  1. making at words on a hat (with stickers and a stamp), 
  2. draw the whiskers on a cat
  3. Color patterns on a hat
  4. Fill in patterns with pattern blocks. 
No snack because we are doing a fun Johnny Appleseed Day with lots of apple treats  though here are a few ideas for "at" snacks
  Cat in the Hat snackCat in the Hat snackC for Cat in the Hat snackCat in the hat snackDr. Seuss Cat in the Hat Snack
There was still a lot of finish work that we didn't get to that made me wish we had a little more time.  But over all we had fun.  

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