Monday, September 17, 2012


S is for 'Sssss' as you move your hands together like a snake.
Trace Page -

We started off talking a little about Snakes and qualities/characteristics. We showed the kids pictures of a rattlesnake, cobra, and boa constrictor to see similarities and differences. They were amazed by this youtube video of boa constrictors!

Next we read The Playground Snake by Brian Moses. It is an excellent book and set the blueprint for the rest of our day. Check your local library!

The snake gets tired of being forgotten about on the playground so he decided to go into the school and was hiding in different places-gym, cafeteria, hallway, etc. The kids finally found him hiding in the worm tank and invite him to play. They paint pictures of the snake, let him have a part in the class play, and play Snakes and Ladders before the principal finds out and says the snake needs to stay outside. The kids decide to draw a rainforest scenary for the snake outside and play with him at recess.

After we read the book, we hid a plastic snake while one person left the room. They had to find the snake by listening to us Ssss like snakes. We got louder when they got closer, and quieter when they got far away. They could have played this forever!

Next we painted pictures of snakes. I had an outline for them and they had to color Stripes on the snake with crayons. We then painted them with Sponges (watered down tempera paint).

I forgot to take a pic while they were working, so here is my little boy at work after everyone left 

For the 'class play' I had some hats they got to wear and taught them the Boa Constrictor song. They loved it and it is so simple for kids since they just repeat what you say. Falling to the ground dead at the end also added to the fun. :) Seriously my boy has been singing it all day!

We got to play Snakes and Ladders which teaches them numbers on a dice, taking turns, and got to Slide down the snakes.

Then unfortunately we didn't have time to draw a scenary for a snake I previously drew outside. I had chalk for the kids and they could color whatever they wanted to keep the snake company. After finishing our mural, we could play with the snake in a version of hopscotch. I had plastic snakes they could throw on any number they wanted, then they would have to jump over that number so they don't get bit by the snake.

 (*There are lots of things you can do with this snake as well. As them math questions and have them jump on the number to the answer. Or have them be eaten by the snake. Ask questions about anything you are learning about, if they get it right, they get to take a step forward)

For snack I previously made some pizza dough. They got to form letter "S" snakes with their dough then we baked them, topped with butter, garlic, and parmesan cheese. While they were cooking we did one more activity.

This week I am highlighting Patterns so I cut some pieces of paper and drew the beginning patterns on snakes. They had to pick a pattern and complete it.

I just happened to snap a picture of our Christmas snake :) I laminated these so I can use them for future use writing either designs on these for pattern practicing or Q/A with wet erase markers

It was a fun, busy day!

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