Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Field Trip - Animal Shelter

The animal shelter was a fun little place to go. The dogs were a bit loud at first, which scared some of the kids, but everyone calmed down after a minute. I thought it was just sad to see all those animals (there was one I wanted to take home so bad that looked the sweetest, but said it could jump like 8 feet walls or something crazy (it was chained down to the ground :( And... I don't think I can handle more than one dog. 

The kids stayed very interested though!

I think their favorite was the kitty room. Much more quiet and relaxing. But... I don't like cats. Sometimes they say they get snakes, birds, all sorts of other random animals I don't remember. Too bad none were in that day :)

This guy was the class favorite. And is basically the shelter's mascot. He said they have had this guy for... 10 years! (I think that's what he said anyway, haha)

Go adopt a pet! :)

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