Monday, November 12, 2012


H is for 'h h h' breathing on your hands like its cold.
*Make sure they only make the 'h' sound and not 'huh'

I started by teaching them the word "History". And that it means things that happened a long time ago. It happened to be Veteran's Day yesterday and all the flags are out today. I asked if they knew why and briefly talked about how soldiers fight to keep us safe. There have been wars in history where lots of people have died. We remember their history and America's history.

They have their own personal histories too. And it is good to write down when we do things, so we can remember our history. The other mothers happen to have blogs, so we visited each child's family blog and looked at their histories. I had each child tell about something they did from pictures on their blog. The kids loved showing everyone their pictures and talking about what they did.

I have a history and we looked at some baby pictures of me and Christmas and Halloween pictures when I was their age. They liked looking at the pictures and guessing which one was me, and how me and Ezra look the same. I told them to go home and ask their parents about their history or their grandparents history. They can look at pictures or hear stories.

The next word I taught them was "Holiday". There are holidays every month we celebrate. We looked at my month board and talked about the holidays in different months.

Next week the Holiday we celebrate is Thanksgiving! I told them Thanksgiving has a History too and asked if they knew when the very first Thanksgiving was. We then watched the movie - This is America Charlie Brown, The Mayflower Voyagers. This is a great Charlie Brown movie that is very factual and teaches a lot, while still being interesting. You can watch it on YouTube - Part 1 and Part 2

After the movie, we reviewed what happened. I showed this video as a review that is a lot of fun for the kids to sing with-

We talked about how even though a lot of people died, they were still thankful for what they had- houses, food, the indians, and that they were free. I talked about how at Thanksgiving it is good to remember their history, to not complain, but be thankful for what we have and we did a Thankful worksheet. We talked about all the things we are thankful for, then I had them circle the words that began with the letter H.

Because we eat turkey at Thanksgiving I had a second worksheet with a Turkey. This turkey only liked "H" words. I asked what feeling starts with "H" and they decided happy. They had to draw a happy face on the turkey. They had to choose between a Hat and a crown to put on his head, Heart or star shirt. Did their turkey Hop or run to get around? And lastly, was their turkey Hungry or tired? They had fun dressing their turkey in all the H words.

They decided they were Hungry too and we had a little snack together.

 We ended by reviewing everything we talked about that day and talking about our field trip for Wednesday - visiting the Jacob Hamblin Home, which is a Historic House. We will learn about his History. Then with all the letters, as you may have noticed, they love these little videos. They sang and danced warming their hands when it sang the sound. H found here.

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