Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Field Trip- Jacob Hamblin Home

Jacob Hamblin's home is just up the street from us. It is Hamblin's Historic House - so we visited it for letter H. :)

The kids explored the cotton growing out front, and went on a little walk on a trail while waiting for everyone to arrive.

I don't feel like telling everything, but it's a great little tour about an amazing man! Each time they tell most of the same stories, yet it still seems I always leave thinking-I didn't know that!

the slope of the patio cover where they would lay things to dry

their kitchen table-chairs turned outward so they could kneel to pray before eating

looking at diagram of original fort that was ruined in flood, everywhere he traveled

checking out the rooms, bath, saddle, the buffalo skull they used as a mailbox

pictures, beds, saying-sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!

upstairs school room, workroom, feeling their soap

It was fun for the kids to hear about history-how things were different back then and some cool stories we know from people keeping journals. We sure are thankful for everything we have today! I'm so bummed I forgot to take a picture of all the kids in front of the house. But thanks to technology, I can google a picture, so here ya go! :)

Now just imagine cute little kids standing out front ;)

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