- sh is for shhhhhhhh! (finger over your mouth)
- shape song from same makers as the letter songs
- Read The Shape of Things and made our own page just like theirs. Talk about 2-d and 3-d.
- Centers
2-race cars around the shapes - I made roads into several shapes and they drive the car around the shape
3-practice writing shapes and numbers
4-sorting 2-d and 3-d shapes
5- free build with blocks
We played with parachute and balls and notice how the parachute is 2-d and the balls are 3-d.
Snack: We sorted our snack into the different shapes. I found this activity here
I had some shape songs that we sang through out. They are all to the tune of Farmer in the Dell
A square has 4 sides
A square has 4 sides
All the sides are exactly the same.
A square has 4 sides.
A rectangle has 4 sides
A rectangles has 4 sides
2 are long and 2 are short
A rectangle has 4 sides.
A triangle has 3 sides
A triangle has 3 sides
Up the mountain down and back
A triangle has 3 sides
A circle is like an O
A circle is like an O
Round and Round it never stops
A circle's like an O
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