Monday, November 26, 2012


  • V is for vroom(pretend to be revving up a motorcycle)
  • V song on You Tube found here
  • Read the book 123 Va Va Vroom. I love this because they say Va-Va- Vroom.  ( also pointed out to them that V does not say Vah.  That if you looked at the front cover it needs an a to say Vah.  We practiced saying vvvvvvv).  This is also a counting book, sort of.  It counts the laps 1-10.  So we looked at each number and practiced drawing it in the air.
  • Racing Game - match pictures with correct first sound. This is set up like a relay race I had pictures that started with e, h, and v.  The had to race and decide which one it started with and put it in the correct pocket.  I got  cute cars at Target  after Halloween clearance for a couple bucks - couldn't resist!
  • Centers
1-race to trace - played with a partner.  You roll the dice and then trace the number.  You try to be the first to trace all your numbers.
2-filler up - this game is actually called Kindergarten Yatzee, but I remade it to look like a fuel tank to keep with the car theme.  The kids rolled 2 dice and added them up. Then they colored in the square that matched what they got.  You try to be the first to fill up your gas tank. ( both these games were from the same website which has lots of simple math games!)
3-painting V's with cars- this was simple, you roll a car in paint and make V's on paper
4-Car racing game - I got this from Toy's R Us clearance.  It's like sorry or trouble.  You roll the dice and try to get all the way around the race track to the checkered flag in the middle.  If someone lands on the same square as you, you go back to start.
5-Ramp Investigation - I have a 3 drawer dresser.  The kids pulled each draw out one at a time, set up their ramp, then rolled the car down.  Then they marked how far their car went.  After they were done, they made conclusions like (the higher shelf made my car go farther, etc.)
Snack - Race Car out of celery

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